Top 4 Healthy Self-Catheterization Tips

There are many medical conditions that make natural urination difficult. Fortunately, today’s single-use catheters have come a long way in self-catheterization a quick and comfortable process.

Intermittent self-catheters are disposable, discreet, hygienic, and easy to use. They can simplify your daily routine by allowing you to empty your bladder at regular intervals, relieving anxiety when you’re out and about.

Want to set yourself up for success with self-catheterization, and keep your bladder healthy? Here are our top 4 healthy self-catheterization tips:

Empty regularly: When you don’t catheterize often enough, an overly full bladder can up your risk of developing a UTI. A good rule of thumb is to catheterize 4-6 times daily, to avoid allowing urine to accumulate in your bladder. If you’re unsure about the frequency at which you should be catheterizing, don’t hesitate to consult your doctor!

Empty completely: Residual urine in your bladder can cause bacteria to grow and multiply, increasing chances of contracting UTIs. It’s recommended to insert your catheter an inch into your bladder and holding it in place until your bladder has emptied completely.

Don’t forget to hydrate: Drinking too much can distend your bladder and cause incontinence. But drinking too little can cause infrequent bladder voiding habits (which is also unhealthy!) Shoot for a happy medium in your fluid intake with recommended daily levels of about 2.7 liters per day for women, and 3.6 liters per day for men.

Follow proper technique: Unhygienic or traumatic catheterization is a sure-fire way to damage your urethral lining and introduce bacteria into your bladder. Follow these healthy cathing tips to keep your bladder happy!

  • Wash your hands and genital area thoroughly with soap and water.
    • Lubricate your catheter with a water-based product like KY Jelly or silicone oil. Convenient intermittent self-catheters like CompactCath come pre-lubricated, ensuring a smooth insertion.
  • Find a comfortable position sitting or standing and gently insert the catheter into the urethra until it reaches the bladder.
  • When drainage is complete, remove the catheter carefully, dispose of it appropriately, and wash your hands.

Remember, reusing catheters can lead to UTIs and other serious infections, so save your cost-cutting habits for the weekly grocery run, and be sure to use a fresh, single-use catheter every time.

8 years ago